• info@louisvilleky.rentals
  • The Highlands

The Kentucky Derby is an annual horse race held in Louisville on the first Saturday of May. It is also known as “The Run for the Roses” and “The Most Exciting Two Minutes In Sports” Founded in 1875, this is an event that is not going anywhere soon. Celebrities from all around the world fly in and millions place wagers in hopes to win big money. The last Derby ran on Saturday May 4 2024. Congratulations to the horse Mystik Dan.


When is the Kentucky Derby Week in 2025?
Thurby – May 3, 2025
Kentucky Oaks – May 4, 2025
Kentucky Derby – May 5, 2025

Where should I stay during the Kentucky Derby?

The economical impact on the region is estimated at $400 million dollars! The local hotel industry usually sells out from Thursday through Sunday. Even the cheapest of low star motel rooms that typically go for $50 a night will be listed for $300-500+ a night. If you are looking for the best Kentucky Derby rental with a fair price, please check out the available condos that are listed on this website! The condos are all located in the Highlands neighborhood which is one of the most fun and safest areas in all of Louisville. You can walk to restaurants and night life. Most people do not actually stay within walking distance to the race-track as there is not much around there at all. An Uber or Lyft is fairly cheap.

Check Availability:  Swanky 2 Level Condo

* or *

Check Availability:  Corner Penthouse Condo

If you have a group larger than 6 people, consider booking them both!

Check Availability: 2 Side-By-Side Condos

Where can I get Kentucky Derby 2025 Tickets at a face value market price?

The official website to get Kentucky Derby Tickets is located at KentuckyDerby.com.

A limited number of 2025 Kentucky Derby & Oaks 2-Day package tickets may be available for purchase this season. Packages will be sold in advance during an online pre-sale opportunity in mid-November. The registration deadline for 2025 Kentucky Derby & Oaks 2-Day package tickets opportunity is mid-October.

After registration has closed, all applicants will receive an email in late-October with a link to the intent to purchase survey. Pricing and available sections will then be announced. All registrants will be required to fill out and submit the survey in order to be considered for the pre-sale opportunity. At the close of the intent to purchase survey window, guests wishing to participate will be randomly selected. All applicants will be notified in early-November via email when the selection process is completed. Anyone not selected for a pre-sale opportunity will be invited to participate in the public on-sale in late-November.

Multi-year tickets can be reserved through a Personal Seat License or as a Season Box or Turf Club member. Large groups can also secure tickets for corporate hospitality or as Kentucky Derby business partners. Other than this method, you likely will have a difficult time finding market priced tickets for box seats as the race gets closer. Most people end up buying authentic derby tickets off third party websites such as  TicketMaster, StubHub, or eBay.

What is the official Kentucky Derby Drink?

The Mint Julep has been the official drink of the Kentucky Derby since 1938 which is a combination of bourbon, mint, sugar, and water, served over heaps of crushed ice in a signature silver or pewter cup. The Recipe is as followed:
8 mint leaves + 1 mint sprig for garnish
1/4 ounce simple syrup
2 ounces bourbon, such as Rebel Yell or Ezra Brooks
Crushed ice

What should I wear to the Kentucky Derby as a women?

A pantsuit, cocktail dress or business formal attire is recommended. Of course, you’ll want to accessorize accordingly. Pearls, a vineyard vines clutch and a stunning Derby hat are a must! Casual is key.

What should men wear to the Kentucky Derby?

Men also love to dress their best for the Kentucky Derby. With ladies its the hats, for men it is about the color palette for the gents. Pastels, tropical colors, plaids and stripes are all popular choices for an appearance at Churchill Downs. If you want to put out a classic vibe, you can’t go wrong with a seersucker suit. However, for a bold look, choose brightly colored pants and a matching dress shirt. Don’t be afraid of eye-catching patterns; all it takes is the right attitude to pull it off. Bring it all together with a solid blazer, such as a navy jacket.


What is the difference between The Oaks and The Kentucky Derby?

The main difference between the two races is what horses can qualify to compete. Both trots are for three-year-old steeds, but it ends up coming down to gender. The Oaks is a gender-specific race, allowing only 3-year-old female horses, or fillies, to qualify and compete. The Oaks is on the first Friday of May. The Derby is on the first Saturday of May. Many people attend both events. During Oaks, the racetrack is decorated in pink and the more than 100k guests are asked to incorporate pink into their at tire to raise funds and drive attention to fight against breast and ovarian cancer. The Oaks is significantly cheaper to attend. For those on a budget, many get afford seats in a box for the Oaks races and then the following day on the Kentucky Derby they purchase tickets averaging around $75 to access the in-field where they participate in a large outdoor party and watch the races on the large monitors.


Seating Chart of Kentucky Derby 2025

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